The HIV Support group Choir
The gum boot dancers...very cool dancing. They use their hands and their boots and make as much noise as possible
The meal served at the end of the was actually really really good.
I found myself in a situation where I had to stop and think....what the hell am I doing here? I went to an HIV/AIDS awareness celebration with our HIV/AIDS support group choir. I walked into ther hall and immediately noted that I was the ONLY white person for what felt like miles. I was immediately herded to the head table, which just happens to be situated on a stage in front of the whole crowd. Great. Anyway, I managed to sit through 3 hours of speechs, all done in Zulu...and NO I have not learned this language yet. The choir, however was amazing. There was also a presentation by the Gumboot dancers, which was quite spectacular. At the end of it all, we got fed some very tasty food. I was also thanked profusly by a few of the organizers, for coming and showing support.....
Expert Volunteers...Fiona and myself!
This is a photo of the camp setup. You can see theUmzimkulu river in the back...and you cant miss the Beer tent, fully stocked with Black Label and Hansa!
The Kayakers in the river going through 'Slot Machine', a set or rapids.
This past weekend I went out the The Thromi X-Fest with a fellow volunteer, to do some more volunteering....It was really good fun actually. Basically this is an extreme sport festival. There was alot of kayaking ( because that is a huge thing down here) and downhill mountain biking, which I dont understand how people could be so stupid to do, lond distance mountain biking, canoeing (in the south African sense...not wuite like home) and a multisport challenge, consisting of kayaking 20km, running up a mountain for 5 km, and mountain biking for 20km. Fun hey?? My volunteer cohort Fiona and I helped out a little bit with registration and such, but mostly enjoyed the sporting events and the evening festivities. I think that I may be turing into a volunteering expert...this weekend we are helping out with a HUGE canoe festival called the Drak challenge....should be fun too...
Hope everyone is well!!
Wow Lenard, how did you know that you were at an Aids event if it was all in Zulu? It could have been for anything and now you are their spokesperson. What did you think about for 3 hours? Also, do you feel any pressure representing all caucasian people, since you are the only one they have ever seen? Good luck with that! PS, loving the blog, keep it up. Just a tip from a fellow blogger, did you know you can spell check before you post, or maybe its just the african keyboards?
Luv Tawn
Keep the stories and pics coming! Your adventure is really interesting.
Your updates make us remember just how lucky we really are.
We look forward to the next installment.
Keep safe!
George and the fam.
Lena!! totally thining about you the other day, had dulce de leche!!!! you can buy it in the supermarket here! mad.... and just had an empanda in an argentinian restaurant called la boca today... having a total reminiscent day.
sounds like you're having a ball... jealous!!! going to STA next week to start putting things in motion for Sept/Oct....will keep you informed.
stay Maeve xx
hi lenny,its josh.stay safe,and miss you lots hope your haveing josh xo
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